Verified on : Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Install modelsime student edition from Go to the folder in which the .run file is located and type chmod +x , it will install modelsim (which contains qhsim, vsim etc) To start qhsim, change directory to /home/vineeshvs/altera/13.1/modelsim_ase/bin . There you can find the binaries (/executables) for the following drill mc2autopart qhcvt qhlib qverilog scgenmod vcom vdir vhencrypt vmap wlf2log xml2ucdb dumplog64 mc2com qhdel qhmake qvhcom sdfcom vcover vencrypt vlib vopt wlf2vcd hm_entity mc2perfanalyze qhdir qhmap qvlcom sm_...