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Installing Latex (Miktex+Winedt platform) in windows 7

courtesy: Jinu jayachandran (IIT Bombay)
Note: To use latex in windows, you can use the softwares Mikitex and Winedt

1.install the mikitex 2.9
2.Install Winedit 7
3. Start->mikitex 2.9->maintenance->settings->general->change the preference for ‘install missing packages on-the-fly’ to ‘yes’
4. Start->mikitex 2.9->maintenance(admin)->package manager->repository->change package repository->click ‘packages shall be installed from internet’-> give proxy settings and tick ‘authentication required’-> next->give ldap username and password
5. select any repository
6. Start->mikitex 2.9->maintenance(admin)->package manager->repository->synchronise
7.Start->mikitex 2.9->maintenance(admin)->update(admin) and update by selecting ‘use nearest package repository’ and give proxy settings

Now you can start using mikitex using winedit interface.

download MikiTex 2.9
download Winedt 7

Note:The ldap id and password is meant for IIT Bombay students. Others please set their proxy settings accordingly


  1. I did all these exept step 7. then the my code was compiled without any errors or warnings, but the dvi file was not created. Also no preview of pdf was available. After updating, it ok.

  2. Is it is free.. Can everyone use it??

  3. Gummi is a good option if you have linux OS. But it doesn't have auto-complete option.


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