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Showing posts from January, 2016


18/01/2016: -----------     Installing VIS model checker     ----------------------------         Download from:         Note: First do the installation of glu and then install vis or vl2mv (order doesn't matter)         Installation: Follow the steps in the VIS README file in         Pitfalls: Dont extract the vis and glu .tar.gz files using gui. Instead use the commands given below             % gzip -dc /tmp/glu-2.4.tar.gz | tar xf -             % gzip -dc /tmp/vis-2.4.tar.gz | tar xf -         Setting environment for VIS          ...


* Changing the tab width to 4 spaces permanenlty     Add the following to .vimrc (create one if not found in ~/)         filetype plugin indent on         " show existing tab with 4 spaces width         set tabstop=4         " when indenting with '>', use 4 spaces width         set shiftwidth=4         " On pressing tab, insert 4 spaces         set expandtab     Ref:  Indenting a block of codes in Vim     V j j >     Ref:     


Start: screen -S "Session name" New window: C-a C-c Switch windows: C-a C-a Name a screen: C-a Shift-a List screen windows: C-a w Detach screen: C-a d Detach screen: screen -d Detach screen from elsewhere and attach it here : screen -d -r "Session id" List all detached sessions: screen -list And the obvious thing to do if you are stuck: man screen


26/10/15: --------- * CLASSES AND METHODS: ---------------------- * Possible conventions include capitalizing method names, prefixing data attribute names with a small unique string (perhaps just an underscore), or using verbs for methods and nouns for data attributes. *  It is not necessary that the function definition is textually enclosed in the class definition: assigning a function object to a local variable in the class is also ok # Function defined outside the class def f1(self, x, y):     return min(x, x+y) class C:     f = f1     def g(self):         return 'hello world'     h = g * Methods may call other methods by using method attributes of the self argument: class Bag:     def __init__(self): = []     def add(self, x):   ...


View schematic of a VHDL file in Modelsim     * Go to SIM tab in the panel after simulation     * Right click on the top module name and ADD -> TO SCHEMATIC -> SELECTED REGION     * Go to SCHEMATIC tab         * Drag and select all items in the region         * Right click on it         * EXPAND NET TO -> DESIGN INPUTS       

ICARUS Verilog

Installation: ------------ Installation guide: Download the latest one from git Trying out the first example     Use the following command to generate .vcd file         iverilog -o example_3_1.vvp example_3_1_tb.v     Display the waveforms         export DISPLAY=:0.0         gtkwave example_3_1.vcd

Flash player installation in Ubuntu

Copied from: Adobe Systems Incorporated Flash Player 11 for Linux Version 2015 Adobe recommends that all users upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for the most recent features, bug fixes, and security fixes.  For more information on the new features in Flash Player 9, please visit  For more information on system requirements, fixed issues, and known issues, see the release notes at To confirm which version of Flash Player you have currently installed, see Users should only install Players that have been downloaded from trusted sources, such as Your use of this player is governed by the Adobe End User License Agreement found at Privacy ------- Adobe is committed to preserving the privacy of end users. For more informa...


How to write ANTLR grammar: --------------------------- * Writing Verilog grammar for the output of VIS, the counter example     ? : either zero or one     + : One or more     * : Zero or more     Wildcard characters:         '.' : All characters         ~c : every character but c