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Installing MAGIC VLSI Layout tool in Ubuntu (Method I)

Update (30/09/2013): Now magic can be installed directly from synaptic package manager (So no need of the steps in orange color)-- Mr. Amaldev V, IITB

Courtesy: Mr. Manu Velayudhan, IITB (e-mail)

Verified with: Ubuntu 10.04 (32 & 64 bit)

Installing Packages:

sudo apt-get install m4 tcl-dev tk-dev blt freeglut3 libglut3 libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev csh  

Installing magic:
Download magic-7.5.225.tgz from

    cd Downloads/

    tar xzf magic-7.5.225.tgz
    cd magic-7.5.225/  
    sudo make
    sudo make install


Possible errors:
During installation of magic in ubuntu 10.04 32 bit instide Virtual box in windows 7, after make install step we got the error

root@ubuntu:/home/vineeth/Downloads/magic-7.5.226# sudo make install

--- installing executable to /usr/local/bin
--- installing runtime files to /usr/local/lib
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [] Error 1

We changed the in /usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib32 to it did not work

then we changed in /usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib32/ to then it worked.:)

Note: Or if you find similar errors, type 'locate ' in terminal. Then you can find the location of the file There may be more than one location. Make one copy of the file at desktop and rename it to and then copy the same to the locations where we there is one by one. After each replacement try ' sudo make install' in terminal. Repeat the procedure until it works.

Update (23/09/2014): The location of the varies with the OS. Thanks to Reshma Krishnan for pointing it out. (Eg : /usr/lib/i686... ). Use 'locate' command to find out the correct location

Screenshots of commands (23/09/2014):

Finding the location of

Making a copy of the above file with name

Installing magic

Comments and suggestions are most welcome :)


  1. Latest version of MAGIC (7.5.233) can be downloaded in following link.

  2. hi all,
    Now you can install MAGIC directly from 'synaptic package manager'. No need for all these steps

    1. but how to do it can u pls explain
      i already have a version of magic installed through synaptic manager but then then the file doesnt work

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You may uninstall that one and follow the steps in orange color then. Please post the results. Thanks

    4. Thank you. I am running ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my laptop. After installing the
      required dependencies, I installed magic through synaptic package manager.
      Howerver like Rahul, I got error.

      I reinstalled magc from (using commands in Orange),
      and now everything is smooth.

    5. @Srinivas : Thanks for your feedback :)

  3. But you still need to install other packages for 'magic' to run properly.

  4. The name of some of the packages will be different if you are using latest version of Ubuntu.

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